
EWRS Scientific programme committee

Maurizio Vurro

EWRS President
Italian National Research Council, Italy

Ilias Travlos

EWRS Vice-President
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Hüsrev Mennan

EWRS Scientific Secretary
Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey

Session organizers (in alphabetic order)

Ahmet Uludag

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey

Matthias Schumacher

University of Hohenheim, Germany

Aritz Royo Esnal

University of Lleida, Catalonia-Spain

Maor Matzrafi

Agricultural Research Organization, Israel

Demosthenis Chachalis

Benaky Phytopathological Institute, Greece

Marion Karin Seier

CABI Egham, United Kingdom

Josef Soukup

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czechia

Roland Beffa

Senior Scientist Consultant, Germany

Judith Wirth

Agroscope, Switzerland

Roland Gerhards

University of Hohenheim, Germany

Lena Ulber

Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Germany

Local host committee

Head of the committee

Jordi Recasens

Grup de recerca de Malherbologia i Ecologia Vegetal – Agrotecnio Center. Universitat de Lleida

Members of the committee

Joel Torra

Grup de recerca de Malherbologia i Ecologia Vegetal – Agrotecnio Center. Universitat de Lleida

José María Montull

Grup de recerca de Malherbologia i Ecologia Vegetal – Agrotecnio Center. Universitat de Lleida

Alicia Cirujeda

Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón

Jordi Izquierdo

AGROTECH-UPC - Centre Específic de Recerca de Tecnologia Agroalimentària. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Aritz Royo

Grup de recerca de Malherbologia i Ecologia Vegetal – Agrotecnio Center. Universitat de Lleida

José M. Llenes

Weed Science Unit – Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda. Generalitat de Catalunya

Bàrbara Baraibar

Grup de recerca de Malherbologia i Ecologia Vegetal – Agrotecnio Center. Universitat de Lleida